Explore your options further by researching the occupations that interest you. What is a typical day like? What skills and qualifications are needed to make a transition? What is the demand like in the labour market?
Career Information
- Career Cruising A Canadian resource for career information and education programs database.
- O’Net (American) Occupations Database A detailed database of occupational information. Search by interests, skills, values.
- ALIS Occupations Database A great source for researching careers.
- BC Career Trek Videos of people in various career fields and industries
- ConnectEd Day in the life video series.
- McMaster Alumni and Partners Network Set up an account to access valuable panel discussions in a wide variety of industries, career information guides.
- Talk with Professionals
- Doing an informational interview the next logical phase in the process of deciding if a career path is right for you. They are informal conversations that provide an opportunity for you to ask questions and explore a career in-depth and ask for advice. Check out our Brief Guide to Networking for an overview of how to make the most of this type of meeting. Search 3000+ mentors in the McMaster Alumni and Partners Network to find professionals for career conversations. Check out out panel chat on tips and tricks for informational interviews.
- Talk with Professionals
Skills in Demand
- Innovation Skills (Conference Board of Canada)
- Career Readiness Competencies (National Association of Colleges and Employers)
- Future Work Skills (Institute for the Future)
Labour Market Information
- Ontario Labour Market Explore labour markets by region.
- Workforce Planning Hamilton Local labour market information. Not in Hamilton? There are local workforce planning organizations for regions across Ontario.
- U.S. Bureau of Labour Occupational information and labour trends.